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Applying For Jobs, Sucks.

We're here to change the next generation of getting work.

by Dylan Esparza, CoFounder of Blop.
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Hiring NEEDS a Change.

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The process of applying for jobs and hiring has become a gauntlet of inefficiencies, filled with redundancy, frustration and impersonal processes. We live in a world where technology promises to simplify our lives, yet job seekers find themselves in an archaic system that wastes time and talent. We can do better. Much better.

I think its time to rethink and redesign these processes to reflect the capabilities and expectations of the 21st century. And no, I would not like to add a cover letter.

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Who Doesn’t Love REPETITIVE Paperwork?

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When you apply for a job today, you're likely to encounter a multitude of redundant forms, redirected links, outdated systems, account creations... the list goes on. The lack of feedback makes job seekers feel demoralized and wastes talent. Then you have applicant systems that are supposed to help, but rely on  algorithms searching for whatever perfect words google spools out. This misses out on exceptional talent and hidden geniuses.

Candidates face another set of challenges in the hiring process. Bias remains a significant issue, with unconscious prejudices by recruiters at every level. Despite the push for diversity, many hiring practices still fail to adequately assess a candidate's true potential. For job seekers in design, the application process adds layers of complexity. Designers and creatives often have to upload and send portfolios of their work, an essential part of showcasing their skills and creativity. But more than ever, each application requires a tailored portfolio depending on the employer requirements.

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Applying for Work NEEDS Evolving.

Whether you like it or not, the future of applying for jobs needs to change. Candidates are increasingly needing the ability to personalize their applications and showcase their talents and skills through dynamic portfolios and resumes. In order to prevent talent from being overlooked, the interview process should prioritize giving employers a more thorough knowledge of candidates up front. AI integrations can help play an important role, by not only matching candidates but, helping evaluate talent, and even conducting preliminary interviews.

As a result, the hiring process can become more efficient, data-driven, and tailored to both candidates' and employers' needs. But, this doesn't mean AI will do everything. Candidates will still be able to demonstrate their talents through creative presentations, hands-on assessments, and demonstrations of their skill sets. Human interaction will remain a crucial component of the hiring process, ensuring that interpersonal skills, cultural fit, and unique individual strengths are fully recognized and appreciated.

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What's Next?

The next generation of workers, will find themselves in a dynamic labor market where it will be more critical than ever to demonstrate their distinctive skills and adjust to new technologies. This steady stream of tech-savvy graduates will encourage hiring process innovation and keep it flexible and adaptable to the ever-changing job market. 

Blop began to redefine how candidates apply to and get hired by leveraging these advancements. We focus on creating a platform that integrates not only AI, but personalized application tools to streamline the hiring process.

By providing candidates with innovative ways to present their skills and by assisting employers in making data-driven hiring decisions, we are paving the way for

The Future of Work.

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